Monday, April 4, 2016

Friend Makin' Mondays

I am new to blogging. But sometimes I just need to let out so much energy, and Facebook can only tolerate so much of my verbage. So I going to try blogging, to see if this is an alternative outlet to my energies.

 — My friend Kenlie ( is hosting a meet and greet called “Friend Makin’ Mondays. Since I am new, I have been instructed to take a moment to answer this week’s question(s) on my own blog then add my link in the comments section at: so everybody can all see my FMM questions and answers. I am also supposed to invite my blog readers to add their links there too so everyone has to opportunity to be seen. However, this is my primary post, so I have no readers. The idea is to connect with other awesome bloggers so take a moment to post your own FMM post and comment on a couple of other posts. Now it’s time for this week’s topic!

 Friend Makin’ Mondays: The Basics 
  1. How often do you make your bed? I make my bed daily, and pretty quickly after waking up. Otherwise, my forgetfulness gets the best of me and it may not get done. 
  2. What are you currently reading? I have forgotten my love for reading. But I recently bought a book “Leading the War: Salvation Army Officership as Vocational Extremism”. I enjoy service work, and I have a number of friends that are Salvation Army Officers. 
  3. Do you go to bed at a certain time? If so, what time? I used to crawl into bed by 10pm nightly. However, since my work schedule has become so flexible lately, I stay up till midnight pretty often. Usually because my mind cannot shut down any sooner. 
  4. What are your favorite TV shows currently? I just finished binge-watching NCIS and Game of Thrones. I am currently binge-watching Blue Bloods. 
  5. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve eaten lately? I avoid weird foods. But lately I have been sprinkling shredded cheese on my favorite potato chips, and heating it up in the microwave. Not weird, but not normal either. 
  6. Do you have any trips planned? If so, where are you going next? No trips currently planned. I just returned from visiting my Mom in Iowa. 
  7. How many cups of coffee do you drink per day? If you’re not a coffee drinker, what you do prefer? I am a lazy drinker. I drink whatever is available. So most days, I have at least one cup of coffee, usually at AA meetings. But I also have the problem of not shutting down my brain at night. So I try to avoid it in the evenings. 
  8. It’s Saturday night, and you decided to stay in? What do you do to entertain yourself? (We’re talking hobbies, interests, etc.) I watch Netflix. 
  9. When you give a gift do you wrap it, or do you put it in a gift bag? Christmas, I gift wrap. Every other event, I gift bag.
  10. Share one thing from last week that made you smile? Watching my mom practice for her upcoming Special Olympics. She had a knee replacement a year ago, and this weekend she will compete in the 50 yard dash in the Iowa Special Olympics. She is really walking, but she gives it all she has. And her friends and her advocate cheer her on, with each step. 
Now it’s your turn to answer this week’s questions.

Thanks for listening.

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